Sunday, 1 September 2013

Change (not chillar!!)

Recently, my best friend (following my footsteps, mind you *wink-wink-nudge-nudge*) took up writing; she has wrote stuff that are amazing, and I just thought, since she wouldn't take any initiative to show people her talent (she's very lazy :v ), I would put it on my blog for the world to see and appreciate her *beams*
So here it is; CHANGE by Rutuparnna Mishra ==>

                                                                                                       -Rutuparnna Mishra
Change originally means nothing but, ‘’making a difference’’ or ‘’to cause transformation’’. But I feel, it’s just not it there. It has a lot more to it. 
In our lives, if things are going pretty well, we do wish for it to remain the way it is; we expect the people in our life to stay as they are, unchanged. But, does it remain so? No. It does not. It ‘’transforms’’ eventually, at some point or the other. On the other hand, if things aren’t that well, we try to cause change to it; we make an effort to make it better and if we cannot do so, we try to change the way we think about it. And so we ‘’make a difference’’. Therefore, the point made here is, nothing remains as it is FOREVER. People do change; things do change, whether or not you like it. Some change for better and others for the worse. Mostly it is because of the influence or even pressure from the outer world. Often it’s due to what our respective lives have thrown at us. Also sometimes, it’s on our own terms; our wish to stand above our own capabilities, to fulfil our urge to be considered good enough, to fit in. We all deal with it at some point of our life. Few don’t realize it; because the new world is good to them. For the rest it’s a nightmare, because they liked it better before. Here we are to discuss about those.
As we were younger, it was easy for us. Things were a lot less problematic than they are now. This begs the question, HOW!!? How was it not a big deal to let go of the old and step up to the new? Maybe it was because we did not have seen the real world yet or maybe because we did not have felt much emotion yet. Sure, it was a lot simpler; it was better that way. What about now, but? As I typed the question it even got me thinking at first, what about it? And it took me a good deal of time to come to this answer. Everybody has different ways to react to it, to cope up, with respect to their situation or lives. I could think of three ways; three ways, to hold up to it; to not let the change get the better of you.
The first one is to be SELFISH. It might sound strange to you at first, but being selfish is one way out of it, I feel. And when I say selfish, I mean, selfish to want happiness in life even when it seems hard. Wanting, not just to survive but live. Live on through all the hardship, affliction and adversity. For what it’s worth, life is too short to sit and whine. So don’t let the transformation in your world, bury the better self of you. Do not give up on yourself, never. Try to be a little selfish; selfish enough to help yourself out. Because when you are willing enough to help you, the rest will start working up on its own from there. And if you don’t like it change it that is, if you are capable of doing so. But what about, when you can’t? What do you do then? Here is another way out: ACCEPTANCE. Don’t deny the change, or just endure it, try to accept it. It may seem impossible at first. But you never know, maybe you can find goodness, from whatever else is still left. Also keep in mind that if you are going through a bad situation, someone out there is facing worse. If you worse, someone else facing worst. It will help you in finding happiness in little things. Make you happy with what you have got. So be a little more accepting. You never know when, before you even realizing it, your world will turn good to you. Finally the last way is to be OPTIMISTIC no matter what. Optimism is a good practice; it makes you look at things in a different way, in a better way.

Change is a good one, not all can handle it. But if you change your ways; if you do it right, you can survive it.

1 comment:

  1. woah rutuuu...!!! ur article looks as if it is straight out of a Grey's Anantomy or One Tree Hill episode !! :P
    btw, i think you guys should become co authors for the blog.. :/
